




区块链津逮:十堂公开课与一首诗,区块链津逮:十堂公开课与一首无止境的技术诗 首次区块链技术公开课,由AlphaWallet 和 PayPal 亚洲创新实验室(新加坡)和网易云课堂联合推出,关注区块链技术及其本身的意义。全英文授课,后期会配中文字幕。 Talk 1: Elliptic curve and what was achieved before blockchain Talk 2: The blockchain promise Talk 3: Why the answer to life, the universe and everything is 42 - a Merkle Tree enlightenment. Talk 4: attestations - go paperless, this time, for real Talk 5: "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" - a hash-based contract inauguration Talk 6: Proof without a proof - a zero-knowledge proof inauguration ...... 讲师张韡武,Weiwu Zhang,是区块链业内少有的真正的技术专家,擅长使用密码学,开源系统专家, R3 Corda 专家 (曾任职于 R3 全球构架师工作组)。拥有超过5年的区块链开发经验,从 alt 货币设计到交易算法等均有涉及,曾任澳大利亚联邦银行(澳大利亚最大的金融机构)首席区块链构架师,现任 AlphaWallet 的 CEO。主导了12个区块链项目,咏春拳爱好者。 适用人群:区块链技术的爱好者,ERC 协议关注者,计算机专业、软件专业学生、金融科技爱好者。不适合炒币人群。